Scammers are always trying to get your personal information. Scams target everyone and are changing constantly. Knowing ways to protect yourself is key to avoiding falling victim to a scam.

We all know to say no to free cruises or a $100 gift certificate that you did not expect, but what if someone calls impersonating your bank? Do you know what your bank’s protocols are? Reach out to your bank to know their fraud procedures. For example, Security State Bank will never text or email you concerning fraud on your account.

Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself.

  1. Monitor your account daily. Keeping an eye on your account can help know if your account has been compromised.
  2. Keep track of your spending habits.
  3. Know your monthly subscriptions coming out of your account. Being able to balance your monthly expenses can prevent any unknown charges from being withdrawn.
  4. Never share passwords or numbers for accounts, credit or debit cards, or your Social Security Number.
  5. Does it sound too good to be true? Chances are it probably is. People rarely offer prizes or money “just because”. If something is truly free, you will not have to give a credit card or pay upfront in any sort of way.
  6. Store passwords in a protected app within your device. Passwords kept in a notes app or written on paper can be easily accessed. By putting passwords in an protected app, you have the security and peace of mind that your passwords are safe.
  7. Resist the urge to act immediately. Scammers want you to act before you have time to think. They may even try to threaten you with arrest, a lawsuit or other serious actions.
  8. Know the red flags. See some key indicators of a scam below.

Realizing scammers are after your information and knowing the signs can help prevent becoming a victim of a scam. Scammers pretend to be from an organization you know like the Social Security Administration, IRS, Medicare, banks or other well-known companies. Scammers will also encourage you to pay quickly for a problem or a prize and request specific payments like gift cards.

If you receive a call from someone that you think is impersonating your bank, hang up and call the bank to inform them of what has happened. Your bank will never ask for your account information or details regarding your online banking security. Stay vigilant and be aware.

If you have believe you have been a victim of a scam, call or visit Security State Bank to see how we can help you. You can also report scams to