Person to Person Transfers

Did you know Security State Bank has person-to-person transfers on mobile banking? Person to Person is an easy and trustworthy way to transfer funds to individuals in just a few easy steps without the use of a third-party company like Venmo or Cashapp.

Follow this step-by-step process to learn how to transfer your funds.


  1. Log in to your mobile banking. (If you need to create an account, follow the step-by-step process on our website, or app, to set up an account.)
  2. Click the “Transfers” tab.
  3. Next, click “My Payees”.
  4. Then click the + sign in the top right corner of the screen.
  5. After clicking the + sign, this will prompt you to select “Person to Person” transfer or an “External Account” transfer. Select “Person to Person.”
  6. Fill out the information for the person you would like to send funds to. You can choose whether they receive the payment through email, text, or by entering the recipient’s debit card information.


  1. Log in to your mobile banking. (If you need to create an account, follow the step-by-step process on our website, or app, to set up an account.)
  2. Click the “Move Money” tab.
  3. Find “My Payees” on the screen and click the + sign next to “My Payees”.
  4. After clicking the + sign, this will prompt you to select “Person to Person” transfer or an “External Account” transfer. Select Person to Person.
  5. Fill out the information for the person you would like to send funds to. You can choose whether they receive the payment through email, text, or by entering the recipient’s debit card information.

That’s it! You’re ready to send money to whomever you choose.

For a more detailed explanation, follow this tutorial:

Person 2 Person Transfers on Desktop/Laptop

Person 2 Person Transfers on Mobile App